Messing Around in the Solent
Saturday morning saw us chugging out of Poole Harbour - the sea was glassy and the wind indicator was struggling to read anything above 3knots of true wind - not even enough for the big sail! So in temperatures more usually found in the Caribbean and no wind at all we chugged along the coast towards the Needles channel. As usual with these relatively narrow seaways our arrival needed to be timed to ensure that the tide would take us with it through the gap between mainland and island rather than try and push us back out to sea - a battle we would find difficult to win! By lunchtime we were passing the Needles still in no wind and with the motor chugging away, but we had arrived in the most popular and populous sailing ground in the UK - the Solent! Passing The Needles After so long sailing as either the only visible boat or at best with half a dozen or so other boats visible to us the shock of the Solent on a Saturday lunchtime was huge! All we could see for miles were hundre...